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Read about interesting stories and topics about almost anything.

Welcome to Tree of Facts Dot Info

Read about interesting stories and topics about almost anything.

Welcome to Tree of Facts Dot Info

Read about interesting stories and topics about almost anything.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Animal Facts: Dinosaurs weren't the biggest animals to ever exist, and the current champ is still around today!

Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the ocean at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons.

Did you know that a blue whale's member can reach a length of up to 8 feet? That's taller than a professional basketball player!

Also, a blue whale's heart is the size of a car, and each of it's lungs the size of a bathtub. Their mouths can hold 100 people inside, and they eat 4 tons of fish every day. That's as much meat as 64,000 hamburgers!

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/#uhCqVrUogQMIvUuI.99

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Matrix-Like Chicken Farming: Is Removing Chicken Brain the Solution to Animal Cruelty?

Cramped cages. Extreme temperatures. Filthy surroundings. No doubt about it: Our industrial food system treats animal welfare as an afterthought. As a commentary on today's “modern” farming, a London architecture student has created a thought-provoking design for a chicken farm that strips the birds of their mobility—and their brains.

Royal College of Art student André Ford created the installation, dubbed The Centre for Unconscious Farming. It’s a pretty grim affair, made of a massive steel frame that would contain up to 1,000 birds. In it the chickens are completely immobilized—their feet are removed (to save space), and the birds receive food, water and oxygen through an intricate network of tubes. In order to eliminate the suffering that chickens would face under such conditions, Ford proposes that the birds’ cerebral cortex be removed, leaving the brain stem (and key homeostatic functions) intact. The chickens would continue to grow, but would basically spend their lives in a coma.

Ford asserts his concept isn’t just a bid for attention:

“In the past six years we have witnessed an unprecedented increase in the demand for meat. Higher welfare systems are available, but this project looks at addressing the inherent problems with the dominant system that produces the majority of our meat—the system that will be increasingly relied upon… We do not, and cannot, provide adequate welfare for those agricultural products and therefore welfare should be removed entirely.”

Currently, about 95 percent of broiler chickens produced in the U.S.—about 8.44 billion birds annually—are raised in commercial farms, which frequently consist of dark sheds where thousands of animals are packed together ingesting ammonia fumes in extreme temperatures. The animals are bred to grow quickly, which often leads to heart and lung troubles, as well as crippling leg deformities. Compassion in World Farming estimates that tens of millions of birds die before slaughter from heart failure, disease, or injury during transport.

Ford is not the first to propose extreme measures in light of our unrelenting demand. Agribusiness “philosopher” Paul Thompson has suggested breeding blind broilers, since studies show that they respond better to the stress of packed sheds.

“There are numerous differences between the current dominant production systems and the one I am proposing,” Ford told Wired UK,“but the fundamental difference is the removal of suffering. Whether what I am proposing is an appropriate means to achieve the removal of suffering is open to interpretation.”

Source: http://www.takepart.com/article/2012/02/21/are-brainless-chickens-solution-animal-cruelty

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Movie Facts: There was actually a Japanese Spider-Man Movie!

The 1978 "Supaidāman" movie isn't a bootleg; it's the product of Marvel licensing their characters out to Toei, a Japanese production company, to be used however they wanted. It is, however, completely insaneInstead of Peter Parker, this series focused on Takuya Yamashiro, a motorcycle racer whose father, a "space archaeologist," equipped him with a transformation-inducing wristband that gave him control of a giant fighting robot that he used to fight the kaiju army of Professor Monster in episodes with titles like "Becoming Splendid: To the Murderous Machine of Transformation" and "To the Flaming Hell: See the Tears of the Snake Woman." We are pretty sure that these facts make it the most awesome thing ever sent out on the airwaves.

Source: http://comicsalliance.com/international-bootleg-superheroes/

iTunes had a different name before Apple purchased it.

iTunes has not always been property of Apple inc. This software that seems to never reach it's maximum upgrade has a story that backs all the way to the 1990s.

SoundJam MP was an early Mac OS compatible MP3 player and Rio-compatible hardware synchronization manager that was released in July 1998 and was available until June 2001.

Jeff Robbin and Bill Kincaid developed SoundJam MP with assistance from Dave Heller. Prior to working together on SoundJam MP, Jeff Robbin and Bill Kincaid had worked for Apple in the 1990s as system software engineers assigned to the Copland operating system, a project that was abandoned before completion.

Apple, Inc. purchased SoundJam MP in 2000 and further developed the code to create iTunes version 1.0.

Source: at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/3#Do03I3STspkJCpo8.99

A man once ran a newspaper ad asking for men to accompany him on a dangerous journey!

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was a polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic, and one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.

Away from his expeditions, Shackleton's life was generally restless and unfulfilled. In his search for rapid pathways to wealth and security, he launched many business ventures and other money-making schemes, none of which prospered. His financial affairs were generally muddled; he died heavily in debt.

In 1914, he ran an ad in a London newspaper for a Trans-Antartic exploration. The ad read: “Men wanted: For hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success. – Sir Ernest Shackleton.

Source: at http://www.omg-facts.com/page/3#Do03I3STspkJCpo8.99

The world's largest cave wasn't discovered until 1991!

The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is by far, the largest cave in the world. The cave is over 5.5 miles long, is home to a jungle, river, and could easily fit a 40-story skyscraper within it! Incredibly, the cave wasn't discovered until 1991. However, the man was frightened by the massive drop at the entrance of the cave, so he didn't further explore it.

It wasn't until 2009 that a team of British Cavers decided to explore it. Now, in 2014, a tour company called Oxalis is running trial tours of the cave! The drop that the man was afraid of at the entrance of the cave is being turned into an 80 meter rappel experience for tourists to enter the cave!

Visitors of the cave have seen some of the most beautiful sights that Vietnam has to offer. The fact that the cave remained undiscovered for so long only makes the tour of the cave that much more magical. The roof of the cave collapsed centuries ago, which allowed outside life to grow in the cave! It wasn't long before the jungle started to form what is now known as the Garden of Edam!

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/#MtOcS8vrMAQtvBrE.99

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This Chinese man has saved more than 144 lives—and he's not a doctor!

Chen Si is a Chinese good Samaritan who has stopped more than 144 people from jumping off of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing, China.

Since 2003, Chen Si has spent every weekend on the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a notorious spot from which to commit suicide. Si patrols the bridge on foot and on his motorbike, looking for people who might be contemplating suicide.

To Si, these are people "who look depressed, those whose psychological pressure is great" and whose "way of walking is very passive with no spirit, or no direction." He then approaches them and tries to talk to them. Occasionally they are already over the railing, and he has to grab them and pull them back over.

If we had more people like Si, the world would be a much better place.

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/Interesting/This-Chinese-Man-Has-Saved-More-Than-144/60081#bfpOMQ2yoM6yR5Q1.99

Interesting Facts: There is an International Treaty that bans controlling the weather!

The Environmental Modification Convention is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978.

The Convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction. The Convention on Biological Diversity of 2010 would also ban some forms of weather modification or geoengineering.

Many states do not regard this as an complete ban on the use of herbicides in warfare, such as Agent Orange, but it does require case-by-case consideration.

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/Fun+Facts/There-Is-A-Treaty-That-Bans-Controlling/60079#bSAQ1EHJmVa3hhkq.99

Funny Facts: Google rented goats to replace their lawnmowers!

Google has a post on it's blog explaining how it has rented a herd of goats to replace the lawnmowers that normally cut the grass in the fields around it's headquarters. This is Google’s “low-carbon” approach to maintaining it's property.

Google is renting the goats from a company called California Grazing. Apparently, every so often a herder will bring about 200 of them to the campus and they’ll roam around for a week eating the grass. Not only that, these goats will fertilize the land at the same time!

Google claims the goats will cost about the same as lawn mowers would. No word on how the maintenance workers who previously had this job feel about losing work to goats.

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/Fun+Facts/Google-Rented-Goats-To-Replace-Their-Law/60077#pplt7uSPrYeMSwgP.99

Monday, January 6, 2014


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!

A cardiologist says If everyone who sees this post shares it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life..

Rather than sharing jokes only please contribute by forwarding this info which can save a person's life.

Warning: Consult with your doctor before practicing in real life.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Funny Facts: A 14-year-old boy faked being a Chicago Police Officer for an entire shift!

A 14 year old boy was arrested for impersonating a cop!

The boy walked into his local police station, dressed in a Chicago police uniform and partnered with another police officer for an entire shift.

The boy identified himself as an officer from another district, he even had a police radio and a ticket book.

After his tour was over, a ranking officer became suspicious of the boy. Police said the officer discovered the teen was not a real police officer when he couldn't produce any credentials. The boy was wearing police-issued pants, shirt, vest, sweater and skull cap.

How smart was this kid to fool everyone he encountered during his “shift”?

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/Fun+Facts/A-14-year-old-Boy-Faked-Being-A-Chicago/59989#VCBM4Th4ocuvZEcU.99

History Facts: People in the Mongol Empire NEVER washed themselves, or their clothes! Why?

At the height of the Mongol Empire, the world felt the wrath of Khan and his empire. They also probably felt its stench because they were incredibly unsanitary.

As it turns out, people of the Mongol empire did not believe in washing their clothes or themselves.
They believed that by washing their clothes in water, it would pollute the water and anger the dragons that controlled the water cycle. As a result, clothes were only changed until they fell off or tore apart.
The smell of the outfit was seen as an important, honorable part of the wardrobe of the wearer.

If Genghis Khan were to give his previously worn, smelly clothing, to a loyal subject, that subject would consider the unhygienic gift a great honor.

Not only was he given clothes from Khan, but he was given his smell as well.

Source Article:  http://www.omg-facts.com/category/6/History#1kVKtMmE056ylXL0.99

Hollywood Facts: New Details About Paul Walker's Death... Overspeeding Issue?

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Porsche carrying "Fast & Furious" star Paul Walker may have been going 100 mph or more before it crashed, killing both Walker and the driver, according to a coroner's report released Friday.

Investigators found no mechanical problems with the 2005 Porsche Carrera GT or debris or other problems on the roadway. The street forms an approximately 1-mile loop amid industrial office parks and is rimmed by hills and isolated from traffic, especially on weekends. The downed light pole the car hit had a speed limit sign of 45 mph. The area in Santa Clarita is about 30 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

Roger Rodas, Walker's friend and financial adviser, was driving the Porsche at an unsafe speed, and witnesses interviewed by deputies estimated it was going 100 mph or more.

No alcohol or drugs were detected in the system of either man on the day of the fiery one-car crash.
The Nov. 30 deaths were ruled accidents and were due to combined traumatic and thermal injuries, the report said. It said both men were burned over 100 percent of their bodies.

Rodas had fourth-degree burns on his head and neck and severe skull fractures, the report said.
Walker had broken bones throughout his body including his jaw, arm, ribs and pelvis, it said.
The car slammed into a tree and a light pole on the driver's side then after spinning, hit a second tree on Walker's side of the car and caught fire.

The report says the red Porsche was traveling "at an unsafe speed, approximately 100+ mph," according to a deputy who took testimony from witnesses at the scene.

"For unknown reasons, the driver lost control of his vehicle," the report says.

The Sheriff's Department had previously cited speed as a factor in the crash, but had released no estimate of how fast the Porsche was going.

Sheriff's investigators are working with Porsche officials and the California Highway Patrol to determine the speed more exactly. Three data recorders survived the crash and fire and may produce information to pinpoint the speed.

Rodas, 38, and Walker, 40, co-owned an auto racing team. Rodas also was a professional driver who competed in 10 Pirelli World Challenge GTS races last year.

The accident occurred while Walker was on a break after shooting about half of "Fast & Furious 7," whose release Universal Pictures has now delayed for almost a year to April 2015.

Walker still will appear in the film, though Universal has not said exactly how it will handle his unfinished performance.

Also Friday, two men pleaded not guilty to stealing a roof panel of the wrecked Porsche from the tow truck removing it from the accident scene.

Anthony Edward Janow, 25, and James Brooks Witty, 18, were each charged with felony counts of grand theft and misdemeanor counts of destroying evidence and resisting or obstructing a peace officer. They are due to return to court Feb. 25.

Source Article: http://ph.omg.yahoo.com/news/car-walker-crash-may-going-100-mph-192625580.html

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hollywood Facts: Asian Action Star Jet Li is being treated for Overactive Thyroid.

Hong Kong: Jet Li says he's being treated for an overactive thyroid, but he's determined to fight the condition head-on.
The Chinese action star known for his kung fu skills discussed his diagnosis during the taping of a talent show he's judging in China.
In Tuesday's taping, the 50-year-old Li appeared to have a fuller face and heavier frame.

Li was diagnosed in 2010. He kept his condition under control with medication, but it came back with a vengeance.

He said his weight has fluctuated but he's taking it all in stride. Li joked about his weight gain and said "I'm fat, I don't have the time to lose it. It's a fact!"
He explained that exercise is not advised with the medication he's taking. An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, causes changes in a person's metabolism and heart rate, among other symptoms, but is generally treatable with medications.
Li was diagnosed in 2010. He kept his condition under control with medication, but it came back with a vengeance recently.
He said that he's tackling his illness head-on. "I'm just a regular guy, I'm not Wong Fei Hung, I'm not Huo Yuan Jia (kung fu heroes he portrays on film), I'm not a hero. I'm just like you."
A martial arts champion at a young age, Li turned to acting and began showing off his kung fu skills on big screens in the 1980s.
He catapulted to fame in the `90s with the "Once Upon a Time in China" films where he portrayed martial arts master Wong Fei Hung.
His Hollywood career includes such titles as "Lethal Weapon 4," "Romeo Must Die" and more recently "The Expendables 2."
Li confessed there are times he's unsure if he's able to carry on with work, but he's determined. "I'm in pain, but I'm not suffering. I'm happy," he said.

Source Article: http://ibnlive.in.com/news//action-star-jet-li-treated-for-overactive-thyroid/442323-8.html

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sports Facts: Anderson Silva Greets His Fans a Happy New Year with a Titanium Rod in His Leg.

After undergoing surgery to repair his broken left leg, Anderson Silva is now with his family for the holidays. The long time UFC light heavyweight champion even took time out to thank his fans for the support and wish them a happy new year.

“I want to say thank you to all my fans and friends to support me at this moment, I wish a great and happy 2014 to all,” Silva posted on his Twitter account. He also attached a picture of him flanked by his family members all wearing his signature yellow.
 Silva still managed to smile even if he had a 16 inch titanium rod inside his broken tibula. Even with all that discomfort, the fighter doesn’t look like he was in pain.

Dr. Steven Sanders, one of the doctors who handled his Silva’s surgery, explained the process he went through in an interview posted on UFC’s website.
“His surgery involved stabilization of his tibia bone with an intramedullary device that was placed into the bone beginning up at the knee and advancing down toward the ankle,” Sanders explained. “Both bones were displaced or moved out from their normal alignment.”

The doctor said that a hole was made on top of Silva’s tibia bone. A nail was then inserted from that hole down to the ankle.

“The device in question is known as an intramedullary rod. This is a titanium rod measuring 40 centimeters in length and 11.5 millimeters in diameter,” Sanders said as he held up the nail. “Anderson has two screws at the lower end of the nail. Higher up at the knee, a single screw is also placed in order to help prevent any type of rotation at the broken bone site.”

While this was done to fix Silva’s tibia, the doctor thought it would be best not to touch the fighter’s fibula. “Fixing the fibula could possibly prevent or slow healing of the tibia. The fibula, even though it's not lined up can still heal on its own,” he said. “It is in Anderson's best interest not do another surgery (on his fibula) and induce more trauma at the time his fibula was fixed.”

Source Article: http://ph.sports.yahoo.com/news/-with-16-inch-titanium-rod-in-his-leg--anderson-silva-still-smiles-for-the-holidays-041205585-mma.html