Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Funny Facts: Google rented goats to replace their lawnmowers!

Google has a post on it's blog explaining how it has rented a herd of goats to replace the lawnmowers that normally cut the grass in the fields around it's headquarters. This is Google’s “low-carbon” approach to maintaining it's property.

Google is renting the goats from a company called California Grazing. Apparently, every so often a herder will bring about 200 of them to the campus and they’ll roam around for a week eating the grass. Not only that, these goats will fertilize the land at the same time!

Google claims the goats will cost about the same as lawn mowers would. No word on how the maintenance workers who previously had this job feel about losing work to goats.

Source: http://www.omg-facts.com/Fun+Facts/Google-Rented-Goats-To-Replace-Their-Law/60077#pplt7uSPrYeMSwgP.99


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